Aquifer Definition

Aquifer Definition. Groundwater can be found at nearly every point in the earth's shallow subsurfa… The word literally means 'water bearer' and refers to a layer of rock or sediment that contains enough accessible water (see appendix on groundwater storage and flow) to be of interest to humans.

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An aquifer is a rock formation that has the capacity to host large quantities of groundwater. Aquifers are important because they are the main way people get clean, useable water. By definition the head of a confined aquifer is higher than the top of the aquifer, so the complete thickness of the confined aquifer is saturated, thus b is a constant when t is determined.

The Aquifer Can Be Porous And Permeable And Include Fractured Limestone, Silt, Gravel, And Sand.

Aquifer is from the latin aqua (water) and ferre (to bear) — an aquifer literally bears water. Aquifer thermal energy storage (ates) is a sustainable energy source, which uses thermal gradients present in the underground water. An aquitard can sometimes, if completely impermeable, be called an aquiclude or aquifuge.

Aquifer, In Hydrology, Rock Layer That Contains Water And Releases It In Appreciable Amounts.

A collection of wet, underground rocks that allow water to pass through them slowly is called an aquifer. Water in aquifers can flow into the wellbore, contaminate drilling fluids and cause well control problems. Probably < french aquifère (adj.);

Water In An Aquifer Is Stored Between The Grains Of Rock.

A confined aquifer is an aquifer that is confined between two layers of soil or rock that are much less pervious than the aquifer. An aquifer is a body of rocks or sediment underground that holds water. An aquifer also may be.

An Aquifer Is A Body Of Saturated Rock Through Which Water Can Easily Move.

Drillers often are concerned about aquifers and are required to take special precautions in the design and execution of the well plan to protect fresh water aquifers from contamination by wellbore fluids. This natural filtration process, however, may not be enough to remove all of the contaminants. An aquitard is a zone within the earth that restricts the flow of groundwater from one aquifer to another.

Fractured Rocks Like Columnar Basalts Make A Great Aquifer.

A layer of rock or sand that can absorb and hold water. One that supplies the water for wells, springs, etc. By definition the head of a confined aquifer is higher than the top of the aquifer, so the complete thickness of the confined aquifer is saturated, thus b is a constant when t is determined.