Relative Clauses Exercises Pdf B2

Sister is in my class was in the back at that time 3. The stairs whichthat lead to the cellar are rather slippery.

Relative Clauses Online Exercise For B2

The man used to be an athlete.

Relative clauses exercises pdf b2. The relative pronoun is the subject of the relative clause. Relative Clauses Practicing the use of relative clauses who whose that which etc. Relative Clauses B1 RC005 - Relative Clauses - Combine the TWO Sentences.

Subject Either which or that. That who which where - exercises. Relative Clauses Extra Practise.

Relative clauses defining Relative clauses non-defining Past perfect continous. The car whichthat I hired broke down. This is the bank.

Wish if only. Who which where - exercises. The teacher who you spoke to is responsible for the foreign language department.

Note that that can be used in informal English instead of whowhomwhich but it is never used after commas ie. A greengrocers is a shop. In non-defining relative clauses or after prepositions.

Handouts to print printable resources pdf. The ESSEX company which was created in 1989 is facing serious difficulties now. ONLINE EXERCISES-Ing reduced relative clauses -Ed reduced relative clauses.

They called a lawyer. B2 level learners can use a relative clause to refer to a whole clause or sentence often to express an opinion or evaluation or to give a reason. Become a Lingolia Plus member to access these additional exercises.

If you are successful just do the task. A what B which C that D where 2. RELATIVE CLAUSES Exercises 1 Complete with the correct relative adverb why where when or pronoun who which whose.

Add to my workbooks 17 Download file pdf Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams. Downloadable PDF Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets. The sentence in italics should become the relative clause.

Relative clauses Exercises - relative pronouns. Which of these relative clauses are defining and which are non-defining. Relative Clauses whowhich B1 Relative Clauses with whowhichwhose B1 Relative clauses with relative adverbs B2 Relative Clauses contact clauses 1 B1 Relative Clauses defining and non-defining B1 Relative clauses Samuel.

I cant remember the name of the street. Who whose - exercises. The police arrested the man.

The motion to increase pay ----- was passed unanimously was widely praised. Defining Relative Clauses Exercise 1 Make one sentence from the two short ones. Object of a verb Which or that or no relative at all.

That who whose which where. I lost my passport there. Which who that whose where Add to my workbooks 379 Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp.

SENTENCE TRANSFORMATIONS FOR THE B2 FIRST IN PDF. You can have a try at those online exercises if you feel you already master this concept. That who whose which where.

They can act as the subject or the object of the relative clause. Who which or where. The new University that they intent to create will specialise in distant learning.

B1 Relative Clauses RC003 Combine the TWO sentences to ONE using a relative pronoun. You can buy vegetables. Relative clauses Other contents.

Home B1 Grammar Relative Clauses. This is the picture whichthat caused such a sensation. Relative pronouns are the words that introduce relative clauses.

Choose the most appropriate answer. Relative pronouns and relative clauses - worksheets pdf exercises. Who which that where.

Part 4 of the B2 FIRST exam is a rephrasing exercise or as it is probably better known KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS or SENTENCE TRANSFORMATIONS is probably the most dreaded and detested part of the Use of English section of the Cambridge exams. Mixed exercises and explanation. Our students can practise relative clauses -defining and non-defining- with this exercise.

He murdered his wife. Was robbed yesterday 2. Who which whose - pronouns.

Relative clauses Other contents. English as a Second Language ESL Gradelevel. It is now possible to send a letter and receive an answer within ten minutes which is a good thing if you want to buy a house a.

She worked for a man. A B C or D to complete each sentence. Future perfect continuous.

If you are not have a look at the material below so you can learn how this works. The kitchen staff ----- work here are all. Will going to prediction used to would.

Defining Relative Clauses. Which is more formal. Passive relative clauses.

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